Please be in prayer, the trauma nurse just came in and they will take Daniel soon for X-rays to assess his lower back and his pelvic fractures. They need to fully rule out surgery and can't do that without further X-rays. They want to see how his pelvis has adjusted with weight bearing. He has only been able to stand, not able to walk as yet. If he needs surgery it will be long and complicated according to the trauma nurse and they want to avoid it if at all possible. Please be praying that surgery will not be needed. His pain is still difficult but they have it pretty well managed for the most part. They also confirmed that he broke 11 ribs on his left side which makes his breathing difficult. Please continue to pray!!
This is from his youngest sister. We appreciate your prayers.
The doctor confirmed he broke 11 of the 12 ribs on his left side. They have him up in a chair. Plan to do standing X-rays to see if the pelvic fractures displaced with weight bearing. Rough night with pain and not feeling he can breathe. His oxygen levels are fine but the pain and pressure in his chest give him the feeling of smothering. Please continue to pray fervently for his recovery and for his family as they travel through the path God has allowed to be placed before them.
From another sister, Ruth