We have had issues with our A/C ever since the hot days of May but muddled through till our annual maintenance day yesterday.
Downstairs, we lost cooling abruptly. It was mostly fine last summer. So that turned out to be a wire that came unattached when the capacitor blew. The A/C was just acting like a giant fan while the coolant sat idle.
Upstairs is a slow leak and we sort of knew that as we slowly lost cooling over a couple of years. A new coil is ordered so the leak area can be contained.
So our downstairs is now amazingly cool (it feels almost cold at 73 after we got as high as 83 down here last week). And the upstairs is still pretty hot but we open our windows wide at night and it’s a bit romantic like camping because we wake to birds loudly singing and because we can see our neighbors’ cats sleeping all night on our porch down below.
God is always good! It’s been quite a week but I love the slow pace of Friday night around here.
To me having no A/C was not so bad. Just like being back in England!