Pastor often says we should be the most conscientious employees at our workplace as we seek to engage our coworkers with the gospel message (maybe over coffee away from work so as not to spend time for which our boss is paying us by doing something other than our work).
This week I had that opportunity. I start work at 5:30 AM at a 24 hour government facility. After church Weds, I went to sleep at 9:30 but woke up at 1:30 AM, fully awake. I am on a new team and we are doing a weekly product. I am the production manager for that product and knew we had significantly changed it the day before. I had to go over it, edit it, and get it ready for the military member who releases it. Additionally, while I work on two government systems, the one where the product resides is not on my desk. I need to borrow that computer until I get my own. And by 6 AM, all computers like that are full.
It just seemed like I should get up and go in so I did, arriving at 2:30 AM and spending a leisurely two hours reviewing the product. I read all of the references to make sure they matched, looked at last week's product to make sure they matched, checked the format several ways . . ,
Well, even though it was meant to be low key, word got around that I came in to review our product in the middle of the night.
Additionally, we got a new teammember and I trained her on how to use two of our computer apps. And, as can happen as people become supervisors, two of the senior guys in the product review did not know how to annotate corrections for the product or look up some of the references that are harder to find than just Googling them. So I taught them, too.
Then I came home this afternoon and collapsed into a two hour nap. LOL!
I love my team and how God enabled me to be truly helpful on the team this week. Not saying I will ever make a 2:30 AM appearance again! But God used it. These folks know I am a Christian so laziness is not an option. God bless us all as we labor as unto Jesus Himself!